Obtaining Correct Expos...

Today’s Post by Joe Farace When using the substitution method, you replace an object within the scene with an object of know reflectance, such as a Kodak Gray Card (or the new Gray Card Plus) and take a reflected-light meter reading from this object. You can substitute objects that...

Light Painting a B-17

From the Best of Mark Toal I’ve always wanted to try light painting so when I saw this World War II B-17 bomber that was located just south of Portland, Oregon I knew it was my type of subject. I called by friend Gregg who has done some light painting and we headed over on a night just...

Expression “Sells...

Today’s Post by Joe Farace There’s an old photographer’s expression called ESP or “Expression Sells Portraits.” and expressions helps “sell” portraits in two different ways. For the pro or aspiring professional, the concept assumes the subject’s expression leads to more portrait...

Adding the Painterly To...

By Jamie Zartman Prisma: It’s not “Tim’s Vermeer”, but it is easy and fun! Lately I’ve been playing with Prisma, an app for iOS and Android devices that can quickly (if the popular Prisma is not too busy) change a photograph into about 30 different artistic versions. Since I print...

Raindrops Are Fallin’ O...

“I’m singin’ in the rain Just singin’ in the rain”~ Arthur Freed, Nacho Herb Brown Today’s Post by Mildred Alpern With weather sealed cameras and lenses, shooting in the rain is no problem. Rainy days vibrantly render colors and persons wielding umbrellas assume diverse shapes. So...

Infrared Conversion wit...

Today’s Post by Joe Farace There are a lot of ways to convert infrared RAW files to the black & white images that many of us seem to enjoy making. One of the most basic ways I by using Photoshop and Photoshop Elements’ Channel Mixer. Channel Mixer lets you produce grayscale...