Why I Love Instagram

Today’s Post by Mark Toal

The main reason I use Instagram is that I love looking at creative photos and you don’t have to put up with all the politics and bizarre links (and fake news—Joe) that you find on Facebook. Don’t get me wrong I still post almost all of my images on both Facebook and Instagram, but as a photographer I think Instagram is the better place to be.


Instagram is designed to be used from a cell phone or tablet, not a computer. For someone like me who almost always shoots with a camera, Instagram presented a slight challenge. I quickly learned that the Wi-Fi that’s built into all my Panasonic cameras allows me to quickly connect the camera to my iPhone and transfer my latest photo. From there I quickly adjust it in my favorite App, Snapseed, and post it to Instagram from my phone.

If you’re new at Instagram the way to gain followers and see other photographer’s images is to use hash tags (#). Make a hash tag for the camera that you used, the location, subject etc. You can see the hash tags I used in this photo.