Today’s Post by Mark Toal
Repeat after me: You will crash your Quadcopter. You will crash your Quadcopter. You will crash your Quadcopter. You will crash your Quadcopter …. I feel like I should write this on the blackboard 100 times.
With its built in GPS and easy to use controls, the DJI Quadcopter is deceptively easy to fly. My first flight was flawless; I even landed it in my hand. Convinced that I could take on anything I headed back to the park and attempted to circle a small tree. As you can see in the video I didn’t quite make it.
I am learning that even a slight breeze will make the Quadcopter drift so that you have to constantly correct its flight. This isn’t hard to master after some experience in an open field, just stay away from trees. If you’re impatient like I am then stay near small trees and be sure to use rotor guards. It’s very easy to snag the Quadcopter on a branch and you don’t want it too high to reach.
As you can see in the video and photo I have attached a small Panasonic A500 4K camera to the Quadcopter in an attempt to get better quality video