Today’s Post by Mark Toal
Every year I photograph the amazing holiday steam trains here in Portland, Oregon. I’ve been doing it for almost seven years and I never get tired of hearing and seeing these trains.
This year I went down on the first weekend of the holiday season and as I was getting ready to take a still photo one of the volunteers that I know said jokingly “don’t you have enough pictures of the train?” I took a few photos and realized that I do have enough photos of the trains and maybe it’s time to shoot more videos.
Still photos don’t seem to capture the power and sound of the engines. I’ve shot video in past years but this year I’m going to concentrate on shooting video to improve my video skills.
Above is a video clip of the 4449 Steam train shot with a monopod on the Panasonic Lumix FZ2500 on the first weekend. Let’s see if these improve over the next couple of weeks.
Here is the link to the 4K version of the video in case you have the bandwidth to view it.”