Today’s Post by Mark Toal
Looking at social media sites like Facebook, Google +, Flicker and Pinterest I feel like everything has been photographed from just about every angle. I like to constantly look for new things to shoot in new ways and I feel frustrated after surfing the web. When I lift the camera to shoot an interesting person or street scene I feel like “I’ve seen it before.”
I’ve been spending time going back to look at the work of photographers through history. It reminds me that it’s not about the camera equipment. Working for a camera manufacturer it’s easy get caught up in the latest new feature or lens and forget that the masters of photography used cameras and film that we think of as primitive and made better photographs than most of us are taking today. When you shoot what your passion about it will show in your images.
Or maybe I just have a case of photographers block combined with the never-ending summer sun that makes it so hard to shoot.