Finding Camera Help Online

Today’s Post by Mark Toal

Youtube graphicI frequently have customers come to me and complain that the manual that came with their camera doesn’t have the specific information that they are looking for.

The answer to their questions can be found on . Most camera companies have a dedicated YouTube channel containing helpful videos. And if you look at video clips found in the manufacturer’s channel they are usually checked for accuracy and content as opposed to the general state of YouTube content.

The graphic (at right) shows how to navigate your way through YouTube, in this case to how to find Panasonic’s YouTube channel. Besides directions on how to use your camera, you’ll also find videos on how to take better photos.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for in one of the manufacturer’s channel then go back to and do a search of the whole site. Typically, someone will have made a video on whatever subject you type in the search box.

When searching, remember to be specific. If you want to learn about Wi-Fi settings on a Lumix LX100 type in “Lumix LX100 Wi-Fi”