Posted on Jan 19, 2015 in
Hybrid Photography
Today’s Post by Mark Toal
They say great minds think alike but in this case we talk a lot. I saw Joe’s article for Shutterbug Magazine titled 7 Imaging Tech Trends That Will Change the Photo Industry in 2015 and every one of them is on my list of things to do.
You should read the article on
Shutterbug’s web site. Here are the highlights:
Mirrorless Cameras – You probably could have guessed this one; Joe and I both believe that mirrorless cameras are the future and will replace digital SLR’s for most types of photography.
4K Video – The introduction of the Lumix GH4 and Sony A7S opened the door to inexpensive 4K video cameras.
Even if you’re not into video you can still grab an 8-megapixel frame from the 4K video. This has the potential to change portrait, sports, and many other types of photography.
3D printing – A lot of the new camera accessories are being designed and prototypes made on 3D printers.
Smartphone/tablet integration – Almost every new camera has Wi-Fi for transferring photos to you cell phone or tablet then to Facebook, Google+, email, etc.
Drones – I just bought a DJI Quadcopter to start learning how I can incorporate this into my photography. (Look for Joe’s article on Quadcopters in the August Shutterbug, on newsstands in July. He doesn’t like the term “drones” though.)
LED lighting – Studio lighting is changing from strobes to constant LED and CFL lights. These also allow for video and stills to be shot at the same time.
Read Joe’s article and stay tuned here for more blog posts on all of these. My goal is to get my 4K Mirrorless LX100 up in the Quadcopter and grab stills from the video. I might even rig up an LED light for some night shooting as I watch it all via Wi-Fi.