My 14 Camera, 20 Lens Trip to Alaska

Today’s Post by Mark Toal


Normally I write these posts about my one camera, one lens trips. This time I was headed to Anchorage, Alaska for a Panasonic event at the local camera store where we loaned out cameras at the Anchorage zoo so I needed to bring 14 Lumix cameras and 20 lenses. After the event I took a few extra days to look around since I’ve never been to Alaska. I still like to travel light so I sent everything back except the new Lumix GX8 and the FZ1000 super zoom cameras. I also had a Panasonic CM1 cell phone/camera, which I’ll write about in an upcoming post.

Fishing boat Alaska

I also wanted to carry it all in one small camera bag since I didn’t have a rental car and would be traveling by bus, cab, train and boat. I choose the Think Tank Turnstyle 5 Sling. The Turnstyle is small and light but still lets me carry a Lumix GX8 with the 7-14mm lens, the Lumix CM1 phone plus my maps and power bars with room to spare for the occasional souvenir. The Turnstyle has become my go- to bag for traveling.

Blue glacier 2

The Lumix 7-14mm lens is hands down my favorite lens that I have ever owned and the bulk of my Alaska photos were taken with it on the Lumix GX8. The FZ1000 has a great lens and sensor plus a 25-400mm lens for when I need more of a telephoto lens

I never regretted the choices and my back thanked me for this decision every day.