Can Photography Keep You Young?

Today’s Post by Mark Toal

Physically no, mentally yes. I’m a big believer in trying my best to stay in the present moment. Thinking about the past or future takes me away from what is happening in front of me; the things that I want to photograph.

Guy on bike

Have you ever walked down the street thinking or talking about something that happened days or years ago? I have and when that happens I don’t notice anything around me. As I get older the temptation to say, “remember when” gets stronger. When I return to a place I’ve visited before I can’t help but think about the times I’ve been there before and want to search out the restaurants and places that I used to visit.

Hollywood Theater

I read that when you find yourself falling into old habits, just tell yourself to do the opposite. If you’re searching for that restaurant that you went to 25 years ago, get on YELP and find a new place that you’ve never been before.

Monkey at Comic Con

Show up, pay attention and accept new things to keep feeling younger and your photography fresh and interesting.